11 December 2018

Numerology (From 4 to 6)

Numerology  (From 4 to 6)

Auspicious Number & Dates: 1,4,10,13,19,22,28,31, of any month.
Inauspicious Numbers & Dates: 3,9,12,18,21,27 (Medium 2,5,6,7,8,9).
Auspicious Day: Sunday.
Auspicious Month: 21st June to 27th July.
Auspicious Year: 22,31,40,49,58,67,76,85,94.
Auspicious Color: Light Yellow, Grey, Blue, Black, Brown.
Inauspicious Color: Dark Red or Violet.
Lucky Flower: Ketaki Flower.
Lucky Ring: Aquamarine, Agate, Emerald and Yellow Sapphire.
Favorable Direction: Northeast and Northwest.
Health Issues: Special care of their health during January February, August & September. Prone to ill health during 17th, 26th, 35th, 44th or 53rd year of their life. They are prone to Headache Backbone, Mental diseases & Depression.
The Deity to be Worshipped: "GURUR VISHNU".

Auspicious Numbers & dates: 5,14,23 of any month.
Inauspicious Numbers & Dates: No bad dates.
Auspicious Day: Wednesday & Friday.
Auspicious Month: 21st May 27th June.
Auspicious Years: 14,23,32,41,50,
Auspicious Color: White, Yellow, and all shades of Black.
Inauspicious Color: Dark Blue, Violet, Orange.
Lucky Flower: Green Rose and Blue Lotus.
Lucky Ring: Emerald, Jade, Peridot.
Favorable Direction: North @ work spot.
Health Issues: Special care of their health during June, September & December. Experience good or bad health during 5th,14th,23rd,32nd,41st & 50th of their life. Diseases pertaining to Nerves, Loss of Sleep, twitching of Eyes, Hands or Mouth sometimes Paralysis is expected.
The Deity to be Worshipped: "GURUR DEVO MAHESHWARA".

Auspicious Numbers & Dates: 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30, 
Inauspicious Number & Dates: ( Remaining all other numbers are medium)
Auspicious Day: Wednesday & Friday.
Auspicious Month: 20th April to 27th May and 21st September to 27th October.
Auspicious Years: 15,24,33,42,51.
Auspicious Color: All shades of Blue, White, Cream, Pink, Red.
Inauspicious Color: Dark Violet and Black.
Lucky Flower: Any Red colored flowers.
Lucky Ring: Turquoise, Diamond, Opal, and Zircon.
Favorable Direction: Southeast.
Health Issues: Special care of their health during April, May, October & November. Experience good or bad health 6th, 15th, 24th, 33rd, 42nd of their life. Swelling of Throat, Tonsils, Disease of Ear, and Failure of Liver. 


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