21 January 2019

Mantra for Marriage

Mantra for Marriage

Getting a Good Husband: Nowadays to find a good and suitable boy for the daughter, the parents are worried much if the girl chants 108 times regularly will help.
"Om Katyayani Maha-bhage Maha Yogenya-dhishvareem, Nandha Gopa Sutham Devi Pathim Me Kuru-the Namaha".

For Early Marriage for Girl: Light a lamp before the idol of Parvati. The girl should herself recite 1188 times daily for 90 days with the following mantra continuously. (avoid during menstrual periods)
"Hey Gowri Shankar-ardhangi Yatha Twaam Shankarapriya Tatha Mam Kuru Kalyani Kantha-kantham Sudhar-labham".

For Life Partner according to one's Choice or Desire (Boy/Girl): In case of love affairs, when the possibility of marriage is remote for some reasons between lovers, the recitation of the following mantra leads to the union of the two. Either of two or both can perform Japa of the mantra. The person who is performing pooja should keep a photo of other partners. One should light a ghee lamp before the photo and recite the mantra for one lakh time within 100 days.
"Om Ham Ga Joom Saha (Partner Name) Me Vashya Vashya Swaha".

To Get Good Bride (Girl) Boy can chant Chant daily 108 times.
"Om Kleem Vishwa-vasunaamha-gandharvha Kanyanaam-adhipatihe Labhaami Devdattam Kanya Swarupam Salan-karam Tasmai Vishwa-vasa-ve Swaha".

A Marriage of Girl: Chant for 1008 times for 21 days continuously and thereafter 108 times daily.
"Om Hreem Kumara-ye Namaha Swaha".

Mantra for Marriage: This Mantra has to be recited 108 times early in the morning after having a bath; this should be done before Sunrise. Or you can recite this mantra in the evening after Sunset. This has to be done every day until you get results.
"Tatou Yayauu Ram-purogamaiah Shana-iaha Srugal Madhyadiv Bhaghru-dha-tiah".

For Delay in Marriage: This Mantra has to be chanted for 108 repetitions every day.
"Om Hreem Shreem Dram Dreem Kleem Klum Jam Jam Vana-Khye Kameshwari Vaan-devate Swaha".

For Love Marriage: This Mantra Sadhana is dedicated to Laxmi Narayan so you have to visit a Laxmi Narayana temple before 12.00 o'clock in the afternoon on a Poornima (Full Moon day). This has to be done by both or any one of the lovers wishing to get married. Then you have to offer a coconut to the idol of Laxmi-Narayan in the temple and don't bring it back. Then one or both of the lovers have to chant this simple mantra given below for 108 times at temple. Chant daily till success. Repeat the process of a visit to the temple for 7 weeks.
"Om Hreem Laxmi-Naraya-Naya Namaha".

Mantra for Fast Marriage: The boy or girl desired fast and early marriage, should chant the mantra with complete devotion 108 times daily, until the time they get married.
"Om Yagno Pavitram Sahajam Ra-hath Prajapati Swaha".

To remove the Evil Eye effect in Married life: Any one of the life partners, which is the husband or wife, can chant this Mantra given here for 108 times daily.
"Om Hreem Hroom Vita-paaye Swaha". 



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