17 October 2018

Tantra to getting Job

Tantra to getting Job

Tantra to get Employment: (Can do A or B)
A. Take a pinch of salt and rotate it over your head in a clockwise direction for 24 times and throw it out of your house. Again take a little bit of salt and wrap it in a piece of paper and keep that paper in your pocket.
B. During the evening at 6pm take a lemon and rotate it over your head 13 times and then cut it into 4 equal parts and take it to a street where 4 roads meet and throw each piece in each road direction. This has to be done for 7 days continuously. 

Tantra for Transfer: When a person wants his transfers from a place to different place where he wishes, perform this tantra. After Sunrise performs Surya Namaskar and takes 21 seeds of Red Chilly in right hand pour water on it slowly and offer to the Sun with the prayer of your transfer at a particular place. Repeat this process for 21 days continuously.

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  1. If you having any doubt to related topic please comment me.
